Break It Down Series: Part 4- Lengthening the Lower Back- Easy Seated Forward Fold

Getting a little sentimental here on ya… This pose takes me back to when I first started yoga. I originally started practicing yoga because I had killer back spasms and major lower back pain. I had heard yoga was good for back pain but I had no idea how good it was or how much healing I could receive from my practice. That’s why I am so excited to share this pose with you.

Not only does this pose stretch the entire back but it also opens the hips, inner thighs, and compresses the internal organs which can assist with digestion. Since it is a relaxing pose, it can help lower your blood pressure, relieve tension headaches and help with fatigue.

So let’s try out this incredible pose!

Come to a cross legged seated position. If you feel an strain in your knees, you can place yoga blocks (or a really thick book) under each knee to relieve strain. Begin to walk hands forward folding over the knees as much as your body will allow. Be sure to never push a stretch too far. If you would like, you can bring a pillow or bolster in front of you (as I am demonstrating in the above picture) if you would like a bit of support in the stretch or if you would like to make the pose a bit more restorative. Hold for several rounds of breath allowing the body to melt deeper into the pose on each exhale. To come out of the pose, press into your hands to gently walk yourself back up to an upright seated position. We want to make sure to bring balance to the body so we will perform the pose again only this time we will bring the opposite leg to cross in front. (If your left leg was crossed in front at the beginning of the pose, switch your legs so the right leg crosses in front). Bring your hands out in front of you and press into the hands to begin to walk yourself forward lengthening the torso forward and down to fold over the legs. Hold for the same number of rounds of breath on this side as you did previously. When you have finished your final round of breath, press into your hands to walk yourself back up to an upright seated position.

How did that pose feel for you? I would love to know! Either leave me a comment or send me a message!

Grace Schupp

Hi I am Grace! Super excited that you are here! I am all about supporting you and growing your difference-making business.

Break It Down Series: Part 5- Opening Up the Hips- Lizard Pose


Break It Down Series: Part 3- Opening Up The Chest- Warrior 2