Break It Down Series: Part 1
This morning I woke up stiff. Ever been there? Like what did I do, go to sleep on a wooden board?
It’s mornings like that that I love to tap into the fabulous-ness of yoga. As a teacher, I have been able to explore lots of poses that host a ton of benefits and I have to admit that I do have several favorites that I go to when I wake up feeling stiff.
So over the next 4 weeks, I’m going to share what those poses are, why they are my favorites, and how you can do them at home.
This probably leads you to the question- who is this series for?
1- If you have any tension in your lower back
2- If you would like to be able to breath easier and deeper
3- If you want to improve your balance
4- If you want to be able to stand up without pain
5- Who am I kidding? Everyone could benefits from these poses! All of the poses are beginner friendly and can be easily adapted if you have any physical limitations.
I am crazy passionate about showing people how yoga can be accessible for anyone and I want you to know that I will have your back through this series. Each week I will give a breakdown of how to do the pose, describe how to use props that you have in your own home to support you in the pose, and modifications to the pose so that you can come into the pose without injury.
Here’s a snap shot of everything we will be covering:
Triangle Pose- Side Body Opening
Warrior 2- Opening Up the Chest
Easy Seated Forward Fold- Lengthening Lower Back
I hope this series excites you as it does me and I can’t wait for you to join me each week!